Conference Proceedings
Volumes arising from some past Forum conferences are listed below. Click on the title to find the volume at Amazon.co.uk, including a useful 'look inside' feature where available. There are often multiple listings for each book so if you cannot find a copy available please search for the title on Amazon's (or other online bookseller) website.
Are There Limits to Science? Book ed. Gillian Straine, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017 (Volume arising from the 2016 conference in Birmingham)
Forty Years of Science and Religion: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Book ed. Neil Spurway and Louise Hickman, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016 (Volume arising from the 2015 conference in Durham celebrating 40 years of the Science and Religion Forum)
Laws of Nature, Laws of God? Neil Spurway (Ed.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015 (Volume arising from the 2014 conference in Leeds)
Chance or Providence: Religious Perspectives on Divine Action. Louise Hickman (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. (Volume arising from the 2013 conference in Chester)
The concept of the Soul: Scientific and Religious Perspectives. Michael Fuller (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.(Volume arising from the 2012 conference in Oxford)
Inspiration in Science and Religion. Michael Fuller (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. (Volume arising from the 2011 conference in Windsor)
Darwinism and Natural Theology: Evolving Perspectives. Andrew Robinson (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. (Volume arising from the 2009 conference in Cambridge)
Matter and Meaning: Is Matter Sacred or Profane?. Michael Fuller (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. (Volume arising from the 2008 conference in Liverpool)
Theology Evolution and the Mind. Neil Spurway (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. (Volume arising from the 2007 conference in Canterbury)
Creation and The Abrahamic Faiths. Neil Spurway (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. (Volume arising from the 2006 conference in Manchester)