Membership of the Science and Religion Forum is open to all with an interest in the ongoing exploration of how science and religion interact with one another.
By joining the Science and Religion Forum you will become a member of an organisation that is unique. Not only will you get a discount to attend our annual conference which attracts some of the top thinkers in the field, but you will get the opportunity to participate in the field through interaction with other members, engagement at the conferences and access to our resources.
The Science and Religion Forum specifically seeks to join the academy with groups and individuals, such that both are enhanced and together we can explore this exciting and crucial field. We look forward to welcoming you.
Benefits of membership include:
The receipt of two editions of Reviews per year
Access to up to date archive of Reviews (Non-members can only access issues older than two years).
Member-only access to recordings of talks at SRF conferences.
Reduced subscription for attendance at the annual conference.
Access to versions of conference papers published in external journals such as Zygon.
Notification of the Forum’s activities, including advance information concerning the annual conference.​​​
Notification and circulated information for other conferences, national and international, related to Science and Religion.
Members may subscribe at a reduced rate to the journal Science and Christian Belief published twice a year by Christians in Science. SCB Subscription is available for £16 via our store here.
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All Memberships are valid for 365 days from date of purchase. Memberships DO NOT automatically renew. If you would like to set up an annual standing order please contact our membership secretary for details.